Monday, April 30, 2007


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It's what she has always dreamt of: to see endless fields of tulips; profuse blooms in different colors one could only imagine...

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Fresh from the Philippines, we brought Mama to the famed Keukenhof the next morning. Drove 115 kilometers from Den Bosch to Lisse, a city which is already close to the sea.

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Route from our apartment to Keukenhof

The initial plan was to go there the next weekend, but we were forewarned that with the warmer-than-usual spring climate we have now, the tulips might wilt earlier than expected... Upon hearing this, Mama decided to go see Keukenhof, despite a body clock gone haywire :)

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"Nature's unparalleled beauty"... simply picturesque

"Keukenhof, also known as the Garden of Europe, is the world's largest flower garden (and the most beautiful!). In the 15th century, the area on which Keukenhof now stands was a stretch of unspoilt nature owned by Jacoba van Beiren. Besides being used for hunting, the estate was also used to gather herbs for the castle's kitchen --- hence the name "Keukenhof" (literally, "Kitchen Garden").

Keukenhof is only open from the last week of March to mid-May. The best time to view the tulips is around mid-April, depending on the weather.

More information here."

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fairytale meadow

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Lynda amidst the lilacs

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"Ebony and Ivory"

"Between the dark and the daylight,
When the night is beginning to flower
Comes a pause in the days occupation
That is known as the Black Tulip hour"
-Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

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"The Queen of the Night"
"The elusive quest for a true black tulip remained for decades no better found than in 'Queen of Night. 'It is the closest that hybridists have come to creating a true black tulip. It is a deep chocolate-purple that purports to be one of the blackest of tulips, & some of them in the right light do look very black. The variety has probably been in peoples' gardens since the 1920s, but was only given its name in 1944." (from

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"Flaming Parrot"

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and more purple-hued tulips

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"I'm gonna plant my own tulip bulb."

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Afternoon siesta...

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A Monet at work...

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Rey: "Aber2x,kung mayo man gid si Lolo."

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Happy mommy :)

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Saturday, April 28, 2007

The Journey Begins...

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." -- Mark Twain

"Finally, she is here...Her journey begins"

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"the backpackers"

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At Schiphol's Panoramic Deck

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"The truffles are for later Rey!!!"

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beery big!

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so near yet so far :)

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"First european train ride"
Mama:"Daw parehas man sang trains sa New York ah!"(Ah sus!)