Sunday, December 31, 2006

Cebu Call Center

Look at the newest call center personnel from Cebu:

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Saturday, December 30, 2006

Merry Christmas Three Times!

From Negros, Cebu and Holland, MERRY CHRISTMAS....Three Times!

From the Queen City of the South,

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dami gifts, dami gifts!

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Christmas Eve (mga bagong gising!)

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Kainan na!

From Hinobaan, Merry Christmas man!
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baby Erwina...

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merry family on a merry christmas...

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Van de Nederlands, Prettige Kerstdagen!

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

To Mama...

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Retirement is...
the time to have all the time
you can spend without worry.
If time is indeed worth gold,
then what you have is money. (Hehehe!!!)

Retirement is...
the time to look back with pride
on all your accomplishments.
But the lives that you have touched
are worth more than compliments.

Retirement is...
the time to start a project
or pick up a new hobby.
And catch up with life's leisures,
through things that make you happy.

Retirement is...
the time to look forward to
more fulfilling years ahead.
True, it is the "golden years",
that is what it is been said.

YOU REALLY DESERVE IT." -Rey & Bebsy 11/01/06

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star


Hush, hush said the moon
Turn out the light
A brighter light shines tonight
Star light, star bright

Every star is out tonight
To greet a baby, sweet and small
Who's just the brightest STAR of all!!!

Today we celebrate the birth of a new star in our family...

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Proud Mom and Dad and Manong UE

Of course in keeping with the naming tradition in this family, she has an E.H.S. initial as all girls do :) the boys will have the H.E.S. My brothers are lucky that their wonderful wives have first names starting in E as well so they can keep up with this cute E.H.-H.E. thingie...He3x...Hmm, for me and hubs? Too early to tell, but we're thinking E and R (you didn't see that coming did you? ha3x)

They say she's gonna be a little me (vain auntie!)... Her name means Star of Hope (Estelle means star) and I'm the Light(Elanie) of Hope. She will also have my second nickname "Twinkle"...Soooo cute! Yey! I really love the fact that our parents started this tradition,not just the initials, but with the name meanings as well...It makes it more unique and meaningful :)

To dearest "Little Twinkle", may you always be happy and full of life,sparkling and shining ever so bright...

From all of us: Daddy Erwin, Mommy Erly, Grand Mamah Erlinda, Great-Grand Mamah Eva, Tito Eric, Tita Elizabeth, Tita Elanie, Tito Rey, Kuya Ethan, Kuya Evan (UE), Kuya Eulrich (Hahly) and Ate Eflorali (Lora aka Blossom), WELCOME!

And beaming from heaven: Grand Papa Hernan and Great Grand Papa Eduardo....

God bless us all...

Coming events: A month from now, September 9, cousin Ate Lora will celebrate her first birthday, while Kuya UE will celebrate his 4th birthday on the 24th...Great Grand Mama Eva will celebrate her 94th birthday on the 29th and Grand Papa Hernan and Grand Uncle Nelson will celebrate their arrival into the Celestial City on the 28th...Whoa!


Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Little Boy Blue

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Hahly Bamy, why so blue?

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello From Shebong

Hi All,

Here are some shots taken last mother's day. Sinabay ko na rin ang pagpakuha for Lora's 8mos. old monthly evolution picture where you could see how many teeth she has now.Two huge front teeth popped out 2 weeks ago, thus you could imagine how she wants to bite anything that she touches.Masakit sya mangagat! "Cute ba ko with teeth???" The family shots as usual is a riot.The boys had to be bribed in order to pose before the camera. They want to play computer games and rides in Club Synergy just in front of the studio. Take a look at the shots were the boys had to make a fake smile just to get over with.Para silang mga robot pagkasabi ng camera man ng "Smile! Show me your teeth!" Tapos nagtayuan na! Our dad is in Cebu while the photo was taken.
Belated Happy Mother's Day to All Moms!
shebong, ethan,hahl & lora segovia.

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Our Beautiful Family sans Daddy Eric

Monday, May 01, 2006

Queen's Day

Last Saturday, Holland celebrated the Queen's Day!

"Queen's Day celebrates the birthday of the former Queen Juliana and is one of the largest, most vibrant celebrations in the Dutch calendar. Flags fly, music pumps and millions take to the streets for a national holiday.

Queen Beatrix decided to maintain the holiday her mother set, and the festivities have become an integral part of the national culture. Every city and town in the country transforms itself into a fairground: bright orange pendants wave in the wind; town choirs welcome the day; all shops are shut and all trade is unregulated - the streets become a market place as attics are emptied for hidden treasures to sell.

The fun traditionally begins the evening before Queen's Day with Koninginnacht. This is particularly enjoyed in The Hague, which hosts a free open-air Rhythm and Blues concert to usher in the next day's festivities.

In Amsterdam, the crowds gather along the waterfront by night hoping for a decent spot to watch the celebrations. Indeed, the larger the town, the larger the party and Amsterdam holds the biggest of all, with over a million people flocking to the streets. There are glorious parades, concerts, theatrical displays and street entertainment. Music is ubiquitous and ranges from the traditional to hip-hop and rock. Boats with live bands line the canal as fireworks explode into the sky. The main areas of activity in Amsterdam are Dam, Leidsestraat, Rokin and Spui. Vondelpark caters for children and bands play on Prinsengracht and Rembrandtsplein.

Each year two towns in Holland are honoured with a visit from Queen Beatrix herself. So, depending on where you are, you might even get a glimpse of the much-loved monarch."

Some Images:

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In front of the train station (Aileen took the train from her place to visit us for the Queen's Day)

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Posing in Front of the Orange Crown


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w/ Aileen


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"King Rey"


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Long Live The Queen!


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The Regal Aileen

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in front of the historical "Sint Jan Cathedral"


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Mr. and Mrs. Holland! (you see the bikes? Holland is the bicycle nation!)

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Belgian Chocolates sold at the market
Elanie: Hmm, di ko masyadong malasahan, isa pa ngang free taste!
Aileen: Hey, what time do you get off from work? (aileen, bata pa yan...he3x)


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hey gimme some beer!

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Elanie: CHEEEZEE....Brrr, Aileen bilisan mong kumuha ng picture at nanginginig na ako...

Till next time ;)

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Lora's Baptism

Last April 8, 2006 the whole family welcomed Eflorali Hance Segovia into the Christian world. She was baptized in the Our Lady of Immaculate Conception, Gatchalian Subdivision. Daddy Eric, arrived from the US early morning of April 8. Double celebration for the family!

Some Images:

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during the seminar
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Kuya Ethan
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Kuya Hahl
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Princess Lora ;)
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with the proudest parents and Little Bo Peep,he3x
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the family
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w/ the Ninangs
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cute cake
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W/ Tito Rey

Monday, March 20, 2006

Sucat Muskraats

Hey Grandma, Tito Erwin, Tita Erly and UE....We are the "SUCAT Muskraats!". Tita Bebsy and Tito Rey came to visit and as always with toys for pasalubong! Lora though got a cute bathing suit!

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w/ Tita "Beps"
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w/ Tito "Yey" (Ethan is so engrossed watching Chicken Little)
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Go Chicken Little!
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the Kuyas babysitting Lora
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Lora after bathtime(chubbiest cheeks ever!!!)
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elfish smile...
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Big boy na ako Mama!
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Pretty Baby