Wednesday, May 17, 2006

Hello From Shebong

Hi All,

Here are some shots taken last mother's day. Sinabay ko na rin ang pagpakuha for Lora's 8mos. old monthly evolution picture where you could see how many teeth she has now.Two huge front teeth popped out 2 weeks ago, thus you could imagine how she wants to bite anything that she touches.Masakit sya mangagat! "Cute ba ko with teeth???" The family shots as usual is a riot.The boys had to be bribed in order to pose before the camera. They want to play computer games and rides in Club Synergy just in front of the studio. Take a look at the shots were the boys had to make a fake smile just to get over with.Para silang mga robot pagkasabi ng camera man ng "Smile! Show me your teeth!" Tapos nagtayuan na! Our dad is in Cebu while the photo was taken.
Belated Happy Mother's Day to All Moms!
shebong, ethan,hahl & lora segovia.

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Our Beautiful Family sans Daddy Eric

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