Monday, May 01, 2006

Queen's Day

Last Saturday, Holland celebrated the Queen's Day!

"Queen's Day celebrates the birthday of the former Queen Juliana and is one of the largest, most vibrant celebrations in the Dutch calendar. Flags fly, music pumps and millions take to the streets for a national holiday.

Queen Beatrix decided to maintain the holiday her mother set, and the festivities have become an integral part of the national culture. Every city and town in the country transforms itself into a fairground: bright orange pendants wave in the wind; town choirs welcome the day; all shops are shut and all trade is unregulated - the streets become a market place as attics are emptied for hidden treasures to sell.

The fun traditionally begins the evening before Queen's Day with Koninginnacht. This is particularly enjoyed in The Hague, which hosts a free open-air Rhythm and Blues concert to usher in the next day's festivities.

In Amsterdam, the crowds gather along the waterfront by night hoping for a decent spot to watch the celebrations. Indeed, the larger the town, the larger the party and Amsterdam holds the biggest of all, with over a million people flocking to the streets. There are glorious parades, concerts, theatrical displays and street entertainment. Music is ubiquitous and ranges from the traditional to hip-hop and rock. Boats with live bands line the canal as fireworks explode into the sky. The main areas of activity in Amsterdam are Dam, Leidsestraat, Rokin and Spui. Vondelpark caters for children and bands play on Prinsengracht and Rembrandtsplein.

Each year two towns in Holland are honoured with a visit from Queen Beatrix herself. So, depending on where you are, you might even get a glimpse of the much-loved monarch."

Some Images:

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In front of the train station (Aileen took the train from her place to visit us for the Queen's Day)

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Posing in Front of the Orange Crown


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w/ Aileen


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"King Rey"


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Long Live The Queen!


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The Regal Aileen

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in front of the historical "Sint Jan Cathedral"


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Mr. and Mrs. Holland! (you see the bikes? Holland is the bicycle nation!)

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Belgian Chocolates sold at the market
Elanie: Hmm, di ko masyadong malasahan, isa pa ngang free taste!
Aileen: Hey, what time do you get off from work? (aileen, bata pa yan...he3x)


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hey gimme some beer!

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Elanie: CHEEEZEE....Brrr, Aileen bilisan mong kumuha ng picture at nanginginig na ako...

Till next time ;)

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